Shez Care Foundation was formally founded in 2012 to address the ever-increasing food insecurities brought about by climate change, war, and economical failure. The project was established to feed the hungry in destitute areas of India. Shez Foundation’s mission was to offer a sustainable source of food to people in need. In 2019, a personal tragedy acted as a catalyst to the vision of scaling up the program.
What started with 500 meals in 2012 has grown to 20,000 meals in 2021.
We initiated the first project by purchasing food essential rations from local sources and distributing them to pre-selected families in need.
Pre-selection is done by surveying destitute neighborhoods and creating a list of those in immediate and dire need. Monthly food packages are then hand delivered to their homes by local team members. We utilize human resources and technology with the aim of eradicating hunger while being mindful of the culture and customs of the people we serve in order to preserve their humanity and dignity.
We share the World Food Program’s vision to make the world free of hunger by 2030. Achieving this is an enormous task but not an insurmountable one. It is what motivates the compassionate people at our foundation.