About Our Organization

Shez Care Foundation - Working to End Food Insecurities


 The Shez Care Foundation is a global humanitarian organization that addresses the needs of individuals in US and abroad who struggle with adverse impacts of climate change, food insecurity, poor health, unsanitary conditions, and lack of shelter. We provide grassroots aid to facilitate efficient and transparent operations through technologically enabled resources.


We believe addressing hunger, the basic need for survival, is the first step in helping people make any strides forward. There is not a shortage of food in the world, but a shortage in means, access to resources and an increase in poverty. The Shez Care Foundation aims to break the vicious cycle of poverty by starting with eradicating hunger in parts of the world in which the necessities for survival are out of reach.



Shez Care Foundation was formally founded in 2012 to address the ever-increasing food insecurities brought about by climate change, war, and economical failure. Initially, the project was established to feed the hungry in destitute areas of India. 


Currently, our activities primarily focus on providing food assistance to the those in need in the United States and around the world. We have volunteers in 3 countries so far who deliver food to the families in our database- people who might otherwise slip under the radar. 

Tech Solutions

We’ve built a database to provide grassroots aid to facilitate efficient and transparent operations through technologically-enabled resources we have specifically developed for out programs. We have designed a mobile app to help streamline the process of giving back. 

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